This course will benefit both BEGINNER and ADVANCED adult (18+ years old) swimmers of every gender. You may/may not fall into one of the following categories:

PARENTS: You are afraid of deep water. You don't want your kids to inherit this fear, but you also know that you don't have the skills to intervene and save if your child gets into trouble in water.

VACATIONERS: You’re looking forward to that well-earned turquoise-blue vacation. You get to it but you can’t enter the water, you can’t snorkel, you’re stuck at the beach. Or you wear a life jacket and engage in the jet skiing and water boarding but you are afraid the entire time.

SWIMMERS: You can swim but you are anxious over deep water. You don’t know how to stop and rest in deep water. You hurry over the deep so that you can rest at the pool's edge.

NON-SWIMMERS: You are afraid of deep water. You intentionally avoid water because you don't think you can ever learn to be safe in it. You may or may not have taken swim classes before. If you took them, you left those classes unsatisfied and still afraid.


Your freedom in water and life starts here


You learn how to relax and enjoy yourself in deepwater.

You learn to develop the confidence to get into the pool or ocean on that lovely, blue vacation and hang out with friends in water. 

Instead of dread, your association with water will evolve to be one of restfulness and peace.  


We go over the nature of fear. What happens in your body when you're afraid. The pros and cons of fear. How fear can kill you in deep water, and how to overcome fear.


You learn how to be present in your body to overcome fear and prevent panic. You learn how to feel what the water is doing for you, and how to condition your body to believe that the water is a safe place to be.


What are your current beliefs around water? How do those beliefs line up with objective truth about water? You learn to bridge the gap between the two. We also tackle common myths and misconceptions about water.


You learn the key skills required to always have access to air and to safety. You learn how to enter and exit, to float on your front, your back, and vertically. You learn how to move intuitively in water (not strokes!) You take the skills you learn in the shallow into deep water.


Your freedom in water and life starts here


Q.) How can a swimming class be online?

A.) Overcoming fear is training the brain. That training can happen in and out of the water. A lot of the tools you need do not require you to be in water. The skills part of the course will be in water and you can follow along at your local pool.

Q.) I can't practice in the pool by myself. I need in-person instruction

A.) We've got you covered with the coaching option. Select course + group coaching, or course + private coaching option

Q.) When are in-person coaching sessions?

A.) We work with your schedule. We can cover as many as 8 x 4-hr sessions in a week or we can space them out over a month or couple of months

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